Album Reviews

One Bad Pig
Love You To Death
Porky's Demise Records
If there is one thing to be said about veteran punk rawkers One Bad Pig is that they definitely know how to have a good time. Twenty five years have gone by since the release of the band's last studio album, I Scream Sunday, but they have now regrouped to deliver a new batch of pigtastic tunes. Love You To Death is every bit the traditional Pig sound, complete with some of the most outlandish tunes the band have ever written.
When it comes to the punk genre/crossover thrash, One Bad Pig are truly innovators in category all their own. While their roots are based in traditional punk textures, they have managed to create a sound all their own and it's rather difficult to describe let alone comprehend. I myself simply refer to it as Pig Punk! The album kicks off with the title track which is more or less a straight forward OBP gem that could easily have appeared on any of their past releases. Following the opening cut, things begin to get real interesting with the guys semi mock up of "What Does The Fox Say" with "What Does The Fool Say." Huge amounts of respect to the band for covering the classic 77's song, "The Lust, The Flesh, The Eyes, & The Pride of Life." Putting their own spin on the song, this is definitely one of my favorites found on Love You To Death. Another favorite is the feet song, AKA "Footwashin'" which has a bit of a punkabilly atmosphere to it. You just have to appreciate the opening ode to Dr. Seuss and the lines that follow, "Big feet, small feet, all feet stink, feet are the grossest don't you think"? This caused me to laugh heartily. "Sunday Skool Rawk" is brilliant in that it delivers an old school punk vibe combined with classic children's Sunday school songs such as "This Little Light of Mine", and "The B-I-B-LE" among others. One surprise was the guest vocal inclusion of Bloodgood frontman Les Carlson on "Get Your Hands Dirty" Good to hear a Metal guy getting his punk on! "It's Not Pig Latin (Itsnay Otnay)" again shows the fun side of the band. OBP were only able to make this album happen via a Kickstarter campaign and for one of the backers who donated a sizable sum, they wrote a song specifically designed for him, using his own name "Ben Moors." This is a great tune and at a certain point takes on a bit of a Rage Against The Machine vibe. "Red, White. or Blue" is another contribution that has an Oi punk feel; very Briish.
It's amazing that after twenty five years these guys sound so youthful in spite of their age. Vocalist Carey "Kosher" Womack's screamer talent is just as raspy as ever and his overt enthusiasm will surely give youngsters today a run for their money. The guitar styling's of Paul Q-Pek are equally delightable as is the rest of the bands contributions. Former Grammatrain drummer Paul Roraback was enlisted to beat the pigskins for this outing. Lyrically there is no denying where the band's hearts lie. In a time where shallowness and misdirection are common place, it's nice to see that for some Jesus is still where it's at.
Whether you are a diehard old-school fan or a member of the new generation, Love You To Death is an album that belongs in any punk enthusiasts arsenal. One Bad Pig have crafted an astonishing work of pigestry. With a renewed spirit and the means necessary, let us hope and pray this is not their last hoorah.
-The Metal Priest