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Album Reviews
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Abated Mass of Flesh


The Dead Will Never Forgive Us



In case anyone missed it, the absolute heaviest band on the planet (IMO), Abated Mass of Flesh is back for another round of unabashed brutal intensity with their latest full-length album, The Dead Will Never Forgive Us. Hot off the heels of the Not Burned E.P., the band have released an album that follows the same pattern as their previous offering delving even deeper into the atmospheric slow churning sludge that has been their dominant flavor as of late. I rather enjoy this latest chapter of aural ingenuity. While appreciating the superb aggression that it wields it at times takes me to a place of serenity where I am lulled into an almost trance-like state. I suppose it could be considered the best of both worlds if looked at from the right perspective.


The album begins with an ominous incursion into the dark and beautifully orchestrated “Abandoned Homes,” a short but seminal starting point. I understand that this is an acquired musical taste and to the vast majority of patrons, it will not sit right no matter how open-minded they may be. There is no doubt that the brother duo of Zakk and Matthew Plunkett is a true force to be reckoned with. Matthew’s guttural bellows are unmarred in the circles that be and as incomprehensible as they may be, there is a draw, an enticement that remains, nevertheless. Zakk’s compositions are pure poetry both musically and lyrically. The melancholic allure of the music is intoxicating, to say the least, and his penchant for poetic words is to be equally commended. I find it funny that when it comes to these types of vocals, you need not worry about any type of rhyme scheme. In fact, there are no verses, chorus, or bridges to contend with just a one-stop thought process morphed into a song. That being said, songs such as “Of Subtle and Savage Rage” showcase the heartfelt seriousness of emotional transparency found throughout. “Crawl through with fear or die out with faith. We are one and the same.” I do concur that Zakk’s lyrical prowess has evolved since the band’s inception, and I find myself to be a little miffed as to where he is coming from at times. I know he has claimed to be a follower of Christ but much of what he has to convey seems to be filled with doubt and hopelessness. “Torment Defined” is a slightly faster-paced gem that will undoubtedly give the listener a perk to the otherwise consistent tempo of the overall album. While the first half of the album I find to be my favorite, one latter track that stands out is “Judgement Day,” a song that just seems to hit home with the state of the world today and the inevitable outcome of our future tense. “The stage has been set for complete catastrophe. Lying words and poisoned works. It’s time to hold up the truth. There is none righteous. So don’t try to pretend.” 


Certainly, fans of Abated Mass of Flesh will find this album to be the culmination of all the band have achieved thus far. For those not well versed in the genius of AMOF, this is as good a place to start as any. The Dead Will Never Forgive Us is a great album from start to finish, even if it transcends as too little. As it has been said before, keep ‘em wanting more!  



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